What to get yourself for Mother's Day 2023

In this day and age, it’s heartbreaking to see how man mothers especially brand new mothers go unrecognized and uncelebrated by their families on Mother’s Day. I see it up and down my social media feeds. Post after post sprinkled in by newly postpartum moms, stay at home moms, work outside of the home moms, all of them feeling taken for granted on a day meant to tell the mothers in our lives how much they mean to us.

I don’t need to get into why this is happening or who is to blame. I want to focus instead on celebrating you. And making it extremely clear that it is perfectly ok for you to celebrate honor and love on yourself for Mother’s Day. wether or not you get that external validation from your kids, partner or families.

You owe it to yourself as the caretaker of the future generations, to pour into yourself, to tell yourself “I’m doing a good ass job. I’m doing hard things and I’m growing. I’m proud of me.” and mean it.

I want you to celebrate yourself as a mother.

Here are 5 ways you can pamper your damn self for Mother’s Day in 2023:

1. Schedule out a self care day where you take time do all the things that make you feel good and pampered.

2. Come to the Moms In The Park Playdate or look for the special Mother’s Day events happening near you.

3. Gift yourself some lovely mom jewelry with you and your children names, initials birthdays or birthstones. Or choose something that speaks more to you and your evolution. Whatever will be the most meaningful to you.

4. Buy yourself flowers or a pretty journal and use it! And every time you look at that piece of beauty in your life, let it remind you that you too are beautiful. Or use it as a moment to reflect or express gratitude.

5. Let your family know you’ll need 30 minutes to yourself where nobody bothers you and do something that soothes and nurtures your spirit.

You are doing an amazing job and you deserve to be celebrated for it. But true and lasting validation can only come from within. And this is especially true for mothers and parents.

We spend so much time wondering if we are doing things right and dealing with the opinions of our loved ones, friends and even strangers. And that can slowly chip away at our sense of self worth and self confidence over time.

Seeking validation and acceptance with ourselves first creates a healthy barrier of protection against negative thoughts and feelings.

So celebrate yourself this Mother’s Day. Because you have to make yourself proud first.